Most social media networks allow their users to change their URL more than once. YouTube on the other hand, only allows it once (there’s a hack to help you change it twice but we will cover it later). So in case you are unhappy with your current YouTube URL and wish to change it, we’ve got you covered. In case you have already changed it in the past and want to change it again, it will be slightly difficult, but stick around till the end and you might find the solution that you are looking for.

How to change your YouTube URL

If you can customize your YouTube URL into an easily memorable name, it will be great for your brand as customers can remember it. However, before you can unleash your barrage of creativity, YouTube needs to ensure that you have an actual brand. YouTube is very strict when it comes to allowing people to change their URLs. You need to clear certain eligibility criteria before you can go ahead and change your YouTube URL. In case you are eligible for a custom YouTube URL, it’s highly recommended to get one. It’s an easy way to build your brand and get more views on your YouTube channel.

Steps to change your Youtube URL

Clear the eligibility criteria

In order to be eligible for changing your YouTube URL, your account must:

  • Have at least 100 subscribers
  • Be at least 30 days old
  • Have an uploaded photo as a channel icon
  • Have uploaded channel art

If your account clears them all, you are ready to begin changing your YouTube URL.

Sign in to YouTube

Once you sign in, make sure that the video recommendations on your home page don’t distract you from the task at hand.

Go to Advanced settings

Click on your profile picture icon in the top right corner of your home page. A drop-down menu will appear. Scroll down and click on “Settings”. Once the settings page opens, click on “Advanced Settings” on the left-hand side menu.

Choose YouTube custom URL

After reaching the “Advanced Settings” page, click on the link situated next to “You’re eligible for a custom URL”. This link is only available for accounts that are eligible. In case the link is unavailable, refer to the eligibility requirements mentioned above and confirm if your account meets them.

After you click that link, a “Get a custom URL” box will appear. You’ll see a few options for custom URLs that YouTube has pre-approved. Sadly, you don’t have complete control over your custom URLs as you can only choose from the options offered by YouTube. Those options are usually based on your display name, YouTube username, or the name of your linked website.

You can’t change whatever YouTube has approved, but if that URL is already taken, you can add a few letters or numbers to the end of the URL to make it unique.

Change YouTube URL

After you choose the URL from the options, you can make the change official. However, YouTube will run you through a series of “are-you-sure” loops before the change is executed.

The first step will be checking the box to agree to the Custom URL Terms of Use. After that, you have to click on “Change URL”. Once approved, you won’t be allowed to tweak your URL in the future. Ensure that the URL is exactly what you want before clicking on Confirm. 

Once you click “Confirm” you will get your new YouTube URL. You can check it out on top of the browser when you go to your channel’s page.

How to change YouTube custom URL twice

While there is no way to do slight tweaks to a custom URL after you have changed it once, there is a way you can change it completely. Here’s how to do it:

Go to your About me page

Sign in to YouTube (if you haven’t already) and go to your About me page.

Remove previous YouTube custom URL

Go to “Sites” and find your existing custom URL. Click on the edit (pencil) icon next to the URL. Click on the X button to get rid of the URL you don’t want anymore.

Click on OK.

Create a new YouTube custom URL

In case you meet the eligibility criteria of a custom URL, you can get a new one as soon as you remove the old one. The steps for that are the same as the ones mentioned earlier in the post. Don’t go through the process from the “About Me” page. 

Remember, your previous URL might take a few days to get fully deactivated and viewers might still be able to reach your channel through it over that period of time. Needless to say, you can use this method to change your YouTube custom URL as many times as needed, as long as you delete the previous URL completely.